The use of high-quality compost is a key element in improving soil health. But what does “High-Quality” really mean? Many think of compost in terms of it being an organic fertilizer, and while compost does have some level of mineral nutrients, it is the biology, the soil micro-organisms growing in the compost, that are truly important. Instead of a fertilizer, compost should be thought of an inoculation of biology into the soil. The more diverse the biology the better. Making quality compost is not easy, and unfortunately most commercial scale compost producers are not focused on quality. Instead, commercial scale composting is done to monetize a waste stream, usually dairy or poultry waste materials. The focus is moving product, not creating a quality product. This practice produces a compost that does not have a diversity of micro-organisms, and is usually nothing more than mulch, loaded with bacteria and not much else. High Desert Soil Works has years of experience creating high-quality, biologically-diverse compost. Whether you are a background gardener or a farmer of 10,000 acres, we can teach you how to create your own exceptional compost, and help you start growing a healthy soil.