Strands of Beneficial Soil Fungi at 400x magnification
High Desert Soil Works can provide two levels of microscopic biological assessments. Using shadowing microscopy, both are based on the methodologies developed and refined by Dr. Elaine Ingham and the Soil Food Web School. Depending on your needs, you can choose a full biological assessment, or a more simple qualitative assessment.
Full Assessment
Full assessments provide the client with complete quantitative documentation of the biomass levels of bacteria, beneficial fungi, and potentially detrimental fungi in a sample. Also provided are assessments of beneficial and pathogenic nematodes, and protozoa, essential components of the soil food web. Final results include the calculated Fungi to Bacteria ratio, one of the key metrics for determining soil health. Results are presented in a tabulated format with suggestions for remedies for any issues identified during analysis.
Price: $65.00
Qualitative Assessment
Qualitative assessments are simple, quick surveys of a sample to determine if critical components of soil biology are present or absent. Qualitative assessments are much cheaper and quicker to perform and are a good tool to quickly compare samples. Presence or absence is noted for nematodes, fungi, actinobacteria, and protozoa. Bacteria exist in every sample, and all that is noted in this assessment is an estimated biomass of low, medium, or high. Qualitative assessments are often used by clients to target one or more samples for a full biological assessment.
Price: $20.00
If you are interested in HDSW lab services please contact us to schedule. Samples are time sensitive and should be assessed as soon as possible after collection.